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2016-01-07 09:44:56

We went to ●●●●●●sity ●●●●●●er ●●●●●●an ●●●●●●ent time frame "One of the ●●●●●● I've ●●●●●●d over the years ●●●●●●g in ●●●●●●s ●●●●●●●●●●●● is that often the ●●●●●● most ●●●●●●ant ●●●●●● is not ●●●●●●arily the ●●●●●● of this or that ●●●●●●a but ●●●●●● the ●●●●●●gness and ●●●●●●y of the ●●●●●●ship and ●●●●●●tive sides in an issue to be ●●●●●●g to make ●●●●●●mises, and be in a ●●●●●●on, to be ●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●, to make the case for those ●●●●●●mises with their own ●●●●●●tive ●●●●●●●●●●●●es. I think that's as true here as it is ●●●●●●re.